Project Overview
The Restaurant Menu App is a user-friendly application designed to streamline the ordering process for restaurants. It allows customers to browse the menu, customize orders, and place them efficiently. The app also includes features for order tracking, total price calculation, and user-friendly navigation, creating a seamless digital dining experience.
Key Features
- Interactive Menu: Displays dishes with descriptions, prices, and images
- Cart Management: Updates order details in real-time and calculates the total
- Responsive Design: Optimized for mobile and desktop users
Skills Used
- HTML5 for structuring the interface, including menu layouts and forms
- CSS3 for an appealing and user-friendly interface with modern styles
- Javascript implements dynamic features such as cart updates, form validation, and interactive elements
- Responsive Design ensures usability across various devices and screen sizes
- UI/UX Principles deliver a seamless and intuitive user experience
Tech Stack